Monday, May 31, 2010


In any Election of Effective Democracy :

I. Less than 70 percent Voting response (less than two-third) should be taken as a sign of alienation/apathy of people.
II. Negative Votes ( vote of dislike for the Candidate), where Contesting candidate is found UN-popular to a section , should be allowed to stimulate Voting attendance.( I may like to vote but don't find the contesting candidate worth voting for).
III. If the total voters in an Election is less than 60 percent, that Election should be taken as 'Apathy of Gen. Population' .
IV. SENIOR Citizens , if physically handicapped should be allowed to vote without moving by postal Ballot or otherwise.
DEMOCRATIC -ELECTION means voting under peace-full Environment, - not under Police -fencing.
[The above is , -mere Individual/Personal Opinion ]

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