Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Terrorism and Modern crisis and Catastrophes do not respect 'Limited Mandate nor Cabinet Approval , nor social formalities of respectable 'waiting or response'
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Those serving sons of the Nation , as police/crop men, and other innocent civilians should not have been offered as 'Sacrificial Lambs' to test the strategy of terrorism. Nor they should have been put in civilian Bus to as a timid protective device.
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WAR is WAR and not a Political - Sport for using civilians and serving officials/soldiers as spare-parts or -pawns.
__________________________________________________________________Abe Lincoln did not hesitate to advance with Soldiers even in a Civil war to save the Unity of Nation.
The Naxalites are also Indians . Yet what is the condition that forced them to take the side of the 'Deprived and deceived' disrespecting the Democratic process. Who is responsible .

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