Monday, May 10, 2010


And then God Said to Himself -" let there be "CHEST-PAIN , ICU & ICC Us" for all Halappas, and other rapists,Social , financial and other 'giant criminal' to hide or take shelter in 5 -star hospitals , so that they can escape the hardship , shame arrest/jails , UN til Time can cover and fuz the public memory of those crimes.
And thus the 5 -star hospitals were created on Earth.

U.S.A is now furious with Pakistan after another event of terror on Time-Square. Now she even threats Pakistan for hiding Esma, Yet, when Osama leisurely scaling the Hillls of Afghanistan,their defective vision failed to spot him as a good target. Of course their giant bombs crushed the hills but could not find the right Target , in spite of boasting Ramsfield !

The 'LOAD' of opposition parties in India is hugely reduced with the introduction of Grand -friendly opposition by TNC, Tharroors,Digvijoys, and Jairamans.the UPA ( Under perfoming Administration ) .
tration) has become Under pressure -affiliation logo.

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