Saturday, May 8, 2010

"BIG FIGHT" - * 8 th May : & AFTERMATH

It was all about the Death sentence of Kasab of 26/11. Participants were selected famous and important ones.

!.They wanted to solve Terrorism(Global) with Democratic (long-standing) process. It was like doing a major operation with a kitchen knife.
ii.Or like Gandhi , trying to meet and convert Hitler , as alternative approach.
iii.Or trying to battle , not before but after the massacre and then catching one who was not killed in 'Action' but 'wounded' and caught.
iv, Between Democracy ( not up-dated/reformed ) and Present Global TERRORISM, there lay the shattered bridge of Band-Aid approach,Traditional sooth-Sayers' psychology and feudalistic reformative thoughts.
V. You have no right to take life (true), but you can prevent Death by 'Pro-Active Measure'.
vi. In the battle between 'Right' & Wrong" , SriKrishna in GE ETA did not leave any scope of 'PRISON -Term ' or 'waiting -room' for Hanging.

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