Tuesday, May 18, 2010


No , it is not about Democracy, though it may simulate them in some way but "Limited Mandate" , as expressed by Home Minister regarding his power/strength to face and fight the challenge the , advanced by TERRORISM, spells all possibilities and uncertainties to frighten the majority mass of people of India and erode their faith. in Democracy
TERRORISM an where or as it is shaping up in India,now, is not an issue to be dealt by any power ,including Democratic Process of India with a shaky , too frequent meeting-Procedures and , then empowering the Home Minister with a 'limited Mandate'. Terrorism does not respect negotiation, reply or communication management skill at any level of its functioning.
When U.S. A faced its worst crisis of Civil War threatening the division the Country and split the unity, Abraham Lincoln , with his authority, did not deal it with 'Limited Mandate' but responded as Lightning - quick , decisive and sure.
It is not about Naxalism or reasoning about their ideology. They , I think , have their points for respectful analysis and the Govt to explain the reason of why that backward section of people were left neglected for last 60 yrs (since1947).That is Political Issues for another Debate.
But when it the case of unity and future of INDIA or any nation, this 'Limited Mandate' is no excuse to let more than hundred serving people ( in two incidents) die or be killed like 'Sacrificial goats or Lambs'. Such National Crisis should not be forced to wait for 'next Cabinet Meeting or expansion of Mandate-process.
War and Terrorism are not Democratic logos or under the domain of Cabinet processing.

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