Friday, May 7, 2010


Politics was never my favourite past-time and I am enrolled with no Political Parties.
Earlier days , poltics was a gossiping game for tevellers on road, bus , trains and even in blocks as 'rock-politics'..
Now , for past few decades Cricket has taken over this 'best way of 'Dialectic Spor or hobby'.
Now , latest news, not only L. Modi ( the 'Master Builder of IPL) is found in the shadow of fuzzy scam but even Big-wig Politicians are found' booked' in the -business of IPL - show (notices served).
With my past 40 yrs of ovservation, without involvement , I find B.J.P , a more invoved and less 'communal' party than most others. The name Bharatya Janata sgnifies ,also, National flavour and Culture, unlike copy-cat identity e.g Indian National Congress (which of these words is Bharatya ?). Though the present trend of shouting at B.J.P as 'Communal' by ' even' some most communal groups sounds amusing and remind me of Hitler's practice of Goeblism , i.e 'by reapting a lie hundred times, it will sound as true. Present time belongs to 'ADS & SLOGANS '!

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