Sunday, May 23, 2010

RAPID RESPONSE ( Veter's Venture)


Copy-cat-ing is not Creativity. Emptying the Cell, keeping the wall and then programming anew with 'synthetic ' Processing , may be like emptying a Room and replacing with new furniture. That can me imitation - supreme but not creation in real sense. In Real CREATION OF LIFE, You can't even borrow
basic materials ( Chemicals ) for DNA (Genome) or Life-principle but have to build everything from DIRAC'S Nothing-ness (Vacuum).
Venter's scientific venture may be 'Masterly' But it is not CREATION of 'LIFE'. It is noble that one remains as modest and True as EINSTEIN .
He borrowed the 'House ' of Divine's Cell, borrowed the chemicals(patented by God) and copied the process.
And that -surely is not creating 'Life'. Wish ! Venter or someone of his stature could create 'Life' without the Divine's copy-right feature of the Cell-wall or Genome -ingredients or Divine's 'patent' -Character .
Do it without them and surpass God or admit limitation.

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