Monday, May 10, 2010

"TOP STORIES" - NDTV, 10/ May'10.

Navin Jindal's observation has 100 % reason , weight and subtance to represent the views and faith of the people of his constituency and bring it to the place of highiest representation i.e Parliament.
Other factors :
I.[' What is Ceasar's belongs to Caesar ; what is God's belong to God' - jesus said]. If there has been any killing or anti- constitutional act, the Legal process should have tackled it. pro- actively or as aftermath.
Incompetency of Legal Authority should not be thrown on the shoulder of local faith. It is like , failing to captaure the Maoist, the Police/ Authority blames the Jungle.
II., Scientifically , the Modern Genetic Science has proved that genetic variation and evolution, suffers due to stagnation or from mutation effect by cross-matcing of genes in closed circuit fertilisation. That is where this faith of not getting married in same GOTRA has scientific base and support.
III, Some lady (? NGO) lamented that even educated NRI- MP was supporting it ! On such ground even the Mr. Chauthala was more educated and informed than that smart looking Lady.

* Sometimes, what ever is old or traditional may not be obsolete or unscientific as advancing Science some times reveals. Yet what is cruel and illegal is Govt.'s duty to face, prevent or punish

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