Thursday, May 20, 2010


If it is not Amnesia or ALZ, the world should not have forgotten the history and the way MAO took foot -hold in a village corner of Huge China and started his Agrarian revolution in 1940s , drove out Chian-Ki -Shek and coloured whole china into RED.
Nor should the world foget the Guerilla war of Vietnum Challenging even USA . This "SUNAMI' ' is now on its premise-episode on Indian Political Stage at its 'Subsoil Layer.
The very idea that Terrorism ( Global or Regional ) can be tackled by feudalistic Constitutional or democratic process is , I think, QUIXOTIC way of measuring Issues .
While USA Demovratic Constitution is a differrent , with a PRESIDENt who Can take up or resume absolute power in case of Emergency or War, Certain Democracies ,in Asia and Elsewhere are inheritence from Feudal- British-heritage pattern , with a Police system and a Parliament that crwal like a snai, moves like a Cater-pillar between Cabinets and Committee-Meetings and can meet the emergencies , only as After-math issues.
Police -Force (CRPF OR Otherwise)is like pipe-gun skill to face Modern Terrorism, Global or Regional ( I have seen Police men often holding a gun , upside down . To face Terrorism of 21st century , -Proactive poise and Dog-like sniffing power with Electronic Intelligence are the minimum and only possible means to win or 'Cure'.
The PRESENT Stageplays on certain Lands , seems like After-math Laments and 'tanqiulising 'promises , to keep People screened off from the advancing 'Fire'.

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