Wednesday, May 19, 2010


On the LIMITED Mandate Issue (India) , I don't know why, the Classic story of Cervantes's DON QUIXOTE comes in my mind ! . Maybe, my aging fault ! or the 'wind-mill' ghost.
3 G - 2G = not 1 G but -30,000 crores of Rs ( 2ND Law of Thermo -dynamics. 'Raja' the loss-maker should pay back.
Death Sentence means rewarding the Criminal. Right punishment : make him pay-back in terms or labour/ service and proving evolving better from within. 'Death'. is an escape route .
Global wealth should belong to everyone and after 'Death' the stored wealth should be designated as Global wealth.
_________________________________________________ Those who kill for sport are worst Murderers . And those who steals while starving are innocent victims.
Time is like ocean waves wiping off all foot prints. If 'Rathores' can pass through some more Legal litigations, they will gain senior Citizenship and may even receive some 'decoration' !

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