Tuesday, June 1, 2010



In DEMOCRACY, if we have to prove or practice it with Sreet-Fights,, Bombs , knives, guns or under police -fencing to hold an Election, I don't known if the system can claim Ideal Democracy.
If the Political Leaders of National levels do not know what to say , what not to say and when not to say to flare up issues , how such politicians can claim Leadership at National level or claim the quality of Leadership of the Country as a whole !.
The Strength and Quality of DEMOCRACY is not measured by the Size or Numer or Slogans they can shout out in public but by the quality and acceptibility by the people of all level stimulating National Integration and involvement.
It would be better and ideal, I think, if India had a ,reformed, Parliamentary Democracy with a nationally Elected Prime Minister with clear and strong Mandate from people to represent the whole Nation , as a Leader, instead of being nominated by the Party alone.
All these thoughts stired me up after observing the very recent Civic Election in West Bengal on 30th May and the aftermath for last two days [, so fresh! }.

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