Sunday, May 30, 2010


While dreaming in my after Linch -sleep , I witnessed a senario :
A teacher was asking his student and the student gave smart answer as follows :

Q : What do you understand by 'BUDDHIJIBI' ?
Ans: Those who are mostly Painters or Film/Tele-film Artists or Script-writers and are professionally attached to some Ministry/rich source of Income.
Q.What is Rock -Politics ?
Ans: It was a popular local Culture in 1930-60s of Bengal ( before T.V/ Computer/ Mobiles), when young ones of Bengal who would defend political/other views on the veranda in front of their houses and would turn it into a verbal sort of sport , shouting loud and exclude nothing , allow none to finish and noisy game /vocal exchanges would be the out come.
Q, Can you give an example
Ans: Yes . On 30 Th may I enjoyed such a sample on 'CABBIS- GHANTA ' Programe (India) round about 2-30 Pm. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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