Sunday, May 9, 2010

"RATS , RATs" - Shakespeare ( in Hamlet)

Even before Lalit Modi has opened his mouth it is revealed, more and more, that RATS within the HOUSE itself are eating up peoples 'GRAINS' Revenue).
Being in the Central Govt. and a Partner of U.P.A, a 'Stalwart' Minister has Cheated his own Govt by helping Mumbai (state) Govt. evading Entertainment Tax amounting to CRORE-s of Rupees.
Is it not also a CRIMINAL Case ?
But the Band-Aid , Bandaged, stitched (loosely) Govt. is too timid to take up Corruption boldly. By this measure Lalit Modi is almost a Saint.
Le us now hear from him how many and in what way 'Breeding Rats' are eating up People's Grain (Revenue) !
INDIA is now getting Richer, but only the Exploiters and masked Manipulators are getting upper hand , except , of course, Some like Ambani-s with God's blessings of flowing GAS.

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