Friday, May 7, 2010


Parallel worlds vs parallel conditions :

Like all possibilities in Parallel Worlds ( cf - Cosmology) other possibilities may be considered in 26/11 Event.

As I submitted in my last issue, there is no permanent villain or hero in any worldly event.

Even Kasab could be a 'victim of situation'. Born criminals may be genetic effect of mutation , while social criminals ,even terrorist like Kasab , may have hidden back ground roots .
The other senario : Let us suppose even KASAB was bound by hidden condition e.g his families may have been held hostage or or kept 'KAPTIVE' by the LeT ' God-Fathers' for this 'Contract-Service' of participating in 26/11.
This is not 'imagination' but have back ground support records in History of Global Terrorism.

Arun Jaitley of BJP has made the intuitive right remark that democratic principles are obsolete tools for aterrorist Domain ( Like Shakespeare's famaous saying - 'Desperate disease needs desperate measure' ( exant words havr slipped from my memory). The Modern World Terrorism' not so simplistic butof course rich ingradients for Media - commercialism. This is a Blind-Mens world Identifying the ELEPHENTAL -GLOBE.

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