Saturday, May 1, 2010


The ' BIG -FIGHT' ended like a "BAD-FIGHT" or STREET-FIGHT. All participants getting 'free-shouting' UN-sanctioned-time. The NDTV Referee looked helpless.
The ISSUE was TEEN-AGE Lovers' marriage in certain belts of Haryana State with very old and Traditional culture and the resultant suicides or murder by locals underVillage-Panchayets/Sar -panchayets (etc.)
And most of them were using their voice power more than their cool observations and scientific up-dates.In that way the Village Panchayet had better tool (UNO RESOLUTION 1952)
Though any( UN-constitutional) killing or assistance leading to murder is unacceptable and akin to terrorists way of handling social values, certain old and traditional values demands re-examination and research. Otherwise it becomes like old Romeo-Juliet love stories , ending ever in tragedies.
Almost all of the members were found to lack modern Scientific views of marriage in very close relations and communities where Genetic and Chromosomal crisis of 'Monotony and stagnant DNA without chance of variations leads to abnormal off-springs in families of very closed or 'locked 'society , resulting further in diseases and deformities..

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