Friday, April 30, 2010


25 million Dollars were offered by USA Govt for the 'catch' of OS AMA but not a single one came forward ' as yet' from that ' poor' Afghanistan.

But INDIA Bullets ant military -outfits are happily rushing out from the hands of CR PF men to MAO s to kill their own men ( 76 killed in one show in Jharkhand). MAOISTS have cleaner 'Face' than betraying and corrupt Nationals.

'MIRJAFARS' or Suicidal 'Enemies' are now the Natural trend of NATIONAL Stature ..

This is Gandhi's India ! , I Think, from N.D Tiwari (National level) to Rathore (Administration0) ; Sex-Swamijis to IPL ;U-P's 'STATUE- Vulgarism ' to CRPF 's suicidal- Greed and etc , etc, and etcs.------.
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