While in U.S.A I had the opportunity of reading Ravi Batra's ( one of the great scholar) observation on Caste System anywhere and everywhere in the world. He believed ,intensely, in the Caste System advocated in Ge eta [ Sloka-41; ch.18 & Ch 4 , sloka -13 ].
By this great classification , all people of any country in the world belong to one of the four Castes i.e i. Brhmin or Intellectual class with unitary faith[ example Einstein or Harvard scholars etc] ;ii. Kshatrya 0r warrior class e.g Rulers , administrative or army class ( e.g generals and soldiers ) iii, Vaishya or Business Class like Donald Trump s or Ambani-s and iv. [lastly] Sudras or Serving Class [e.g helpers , office - workers, Administrative Assistants.
By such classification , these four classes are eternally, even now, present in Russia or America or England or Egypt.
Other Caste systems are only Religious or ethnic faiths and habits according to local conditions and economic factor.
Any honor-killing is Social Crime and the Govt ( unless incompetent) should deal it straight and quick.
Bachchan's elaboration is out of place on the ground of educational & economic factor of Social levels. When, now, Indians ,or NRI-s , these days ,marry English or American girls , such issues are never talked about or even thought.
The other claim of ;HINDU' system is another distortion of fact , revealing ignorance. HINDU is a LOGO of Persian(Invaders) slang and a mixture of post Buddhist,Vashnavism and Brhaminic adaptation with injection of PURANIC ideas. As such they should be judged and evaluated on their intrinsic values and not carried over as ancestral faith only.
Finally the adverse effect of closed circuit fertilisation (Same Gotra Marriage in traditional society) has been proved correct after Genetic-Scientific proof and revelation.