Sunday, February 20, 2011


Mamata urges people to build a new Bengal
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: February 21, 2011 01:07 IST
How can you ?...What is now West or Waste Bengal , not the Whole Benga of pre 1947 Era ! What is now - is a Sucidal, Political Foot -ball field of 'Fouls' ,Penalties and 'match-fixing' ART. And greater zeal for outnumbering each other party with 'DEAD-s".
My Stand ;
1 . Do not care who comes in Power but want a STRONG OPPOSITION Party (Constructive).
II.Want to vote without a body-guard or police -Rifle.
III. Want to have the RIGHT to ' NEGETIVE VOTE ' (to be recognised ) condidates are known anti-social, incompetent or Criminals.
Iv, Not interested in wasting Vote in atmosphere of 'Mafia' -sphere of POLITICAL POWER-GREED
V. If Party X is too old or senile the OTHER must be Mature and DEMOCRATIC enough,
OR, I do not waste my remaining few years of life to hep W>B side down the DRAIN.

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