Thursday, February 10, 2011


Come ! Come!! ....Feast and Festival of 'Looting ' NATIONAL WEALTH !

New Schemes Avaiable for any to become bilionaire in the 'Grand Corruption Mela' sprouting every week.
NOW THE Latest ISRO -SCAM under PM'S Umbrella with plenty of shades and shadows.
Get to The 'ANTRIX'
And if U know those tricks
-become a 'billionair within weeks

The king does not know
that he is 'naked'
sycophants are busy curtaining the bed.
the 'involved now 'investigate ; why thou fear !

The Emperor is deaf and dumb
the guards are sleepy or drugged
Hayenas are free after the 'kill'
so bite and lick as U feel.

Let anyone, enquire and investigate
it will take and swallow enough time
and people will surely forget
so ! why you worry at all and wait?

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