Tuesday, February 22, 2011


then, why you get worried so nmuch
At last the Nuclear Age is here
to solve all problems --in light-speed finish
with sporting-click a Nuclear swtch.

If billion children 're starving -so what !
Now the Ultimate Solution -within reach
now the Power-Houses will be packed
with Nuclear Arsenals enough to scorch the Earth
several times over.
What it matters, if our children remain naked
or thay starve.
This being the golden Era of Civillised Over-Growth.
of Demonic Carnivorus Agrresive mind
overwhelming , defeating all loving Soul
in a 'Final' Olymic Show..

May be the Kali-Yug is finally coming down
for a unified human -death. -
Then, So ! - what ...?
Pack all available space with Nuclear -Neutron Toys.
( this poem was written on bengali in 1960s ; now translated and edited by the poet )

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