Sunday, February 27, 2011

GANDHI'S FACE (On Rupee-Notes) BOUND - India

[Very Interesting But Depressing experience]

On Channel 14, during the programme of 'CHABBISH GHANTA' on 27th Feb. 2011 , I saw very interesting but depressing visual presentation during the discission of next Finance Budget : Showing Black Money menace on TV- screen with Bundles and packs of 500 Rupee -notes in packs and bundles tied and fastened with jute ropes showing Gandhis Face bound at the level of his eyes ,telling thousand words by that one 'picture' on that TV-screen.
The pathetic presentation of that 'face' , In Gandhi's India of Corruption , The 'blackened' and tied up face of GANDHi (at the level of the eyes) seemed to be like 'REVELATION ' and presenting Coruption through 'Poetic Expression of bound and blinded Gandhis Corrupt India.

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