Monday, February 28, 2011


Modern INDIA

Have-nots, Inflation , Corruption's canine teeth
Eating into the vitals of a Nation inside and beneath
Wherever are 'deprived ' there will evergrow
call them 'naxal' or' mao'; you get .aways,as you sow
As brought the Carcuss and invited vulture's -feast
terror shall take root where 'backwards' are remembered least

One blames the other , ; underneath, -hatred grow
Rich now richer ;the poor the poorer though
Middle-one sandwitched, flatenned by democratic norm
Corruptions swallow all from birth to burial - form
'Gandhi' threw his clothes to come downn to have-not's door
we reversed it finally by thriving fast on poor !
Black hole is dead-black ; and 'Black Money' shining bright
only fools now tied to morals ; vultures do find delight !

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