Sunday, February 20, 2011

R - R

Consensus on Joint Parliamentary Committee probe into 2G scam
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: February 20, 2011 19:20 IST
Comment :If it was agrred to earlier( what was resisted so long) then, National TIME & Wealth would not have been WASTED so much.
PM was 'not afraid of facing any committee ', then why he captained his SHIP against National 'stream' so desperately ??.
Now the GOVT,should wash all 'Black Money" CLEAN with Surf and Dettol for GANDHI's face on Soiled Notes look Cleaner.
The other day I Saw some TV Channel showing UN-Earthed Black Money on TV-Screen showing Rs 500/= bills with GANDHI"s FACE bound & tied with Jute-wire,
The picture was telling "million words' about Gandhi's INDIA.
========================================================================Sunday, February 20, 2011

If I have any right to my free speech in Democracy :

1. Unless the BUDGET SESSION on the 'Tip of the NOse' of the Govt. , there would not be any JPC even anywhere within Speculation .
2. If there was no WORLD WAR II , to Bleed Britain and make her Breath-less, there would not be any GANDHI-s FREE INDIA, anywhere near then.
Time -Space & Co-Incidence are the real SECRET of '-cum -Effect' at Quantum Level.

posted by Phani Basu @ 7:56 PM 0 comments

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