Monday, February 14, 2011

Musical Icon now an immoral smuggler !

"Noted Pakistani Singer Rahat ALI Khan(37)was detained at IGI....for carrying a large amount of un-declared foreign currency" - T.O.I,Feb 14 ,'11, kolkata.
Comment: "Now is the winter of Discontent" -Shakespeare. OR ...
NOw is the 21st CENTURY of Degeneration and CORRUPTION ! And if it has engulfed even the worrld of Art & Music , I think, I hate the faces of such 'great'Corrupt- musicians.Let them be ever-famous 'foxes'.Noon his CD-s&tapes are out of my shelf.
'How much is enough ?' Even if Icons of Divine word f ART & Musical field are but 'indentical twins ' of A.raja or Kamadi-s, Kali-Yug , I know .is in advanced stage of pregnency.


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