Saturday, February 26, 2011


World Cup tickets: Scenes at Chinnaswamy Stadium unfortunate, says ICC
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: February 26, 2011 13:36 IST ----------------------------------------------------------------
Comment : A student was asked - 'What is ICC ? ... He replied : ' Indian way of Corporate Corruption'.
Was he wrong or ignorant ? who knows!
P.S :A Colonial game of past Centuries that thrived under British Rule and carried over by freed colonial subordinates have been turned into a HUGE Corporate Profiteering System through Media help and addicting Mass-habits.
A game with Match-Fixing Genetic habit , played only by past colonised countries (now 'free'), having no OlYMPIC STATUS is, I Think, gradully being turned into a craze like 'Drug-Addiction'. And to suck in the upper affluent Class with reserved Tickets and transform the common people like 'Drug-addicts' weeping for a 'ticket'.
Cricket is no more, I think, a Game but a Match-fixing Business of Nations with Colonial past.
Advice : Get de-addictedd from the habit of wasting time & Money for a Match-Fixing Colonial Game.

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