Saturday, February 12, 2011

ELECTION -West Bengal [-INDIA ]

"Elimentary Watson, ...elimentary " -Sharlock Holmes.

In West Bengal Election: Left Front Rule shoud go;

I.Becuse of gerriatric Syndrome [ Old Age and degeneratiing Symptoms of 'Over-time Service-life. 34 +5 years of Ruling is UNACCEPTABLE by any measure ( Hosni Mubarak in Egypt,even,had to go). Hunger for power is the sure sign of in-eligibility.
Even to wish a return after the 5-year rule of another Party (TMC ? ?), Left front shoud be take the Seat of a strong and worthy OPPOSITION, just to know -who is or was better.
II. By Rational Analysis , it seems TMC will perhaps come but it lacks character of Democratic Tolerace , accomodation,Experience and, perhaps, potential quality and wisdom to continue longer than one term [ for the interest of West Bengal'-people's Wefare & future].Just to the TRUTH, there should be a CHANGE.
III. To win the Election, first time, is one thing but to suit the throne for the benifit of people for long enough term is another and more important ISSUE.
IV. With the single -headed Leadership and agressive Nature /mentality ,as it seems, the new Ruler bringing the CHANGE may not have a long enough life to benift the Land.
May God help West Bengal-people ! --Amen !
Yet ! - a better statement : 'K - Sara ! Sara! what will be , will be !'

But people and all parties should prepare themseves ,with democratic principle to prepare for the change if it comes and pray for a strong and effective opposition and a real democratic process for the Bhaga Banga(already broken Bengal.
To me , a strong oppositin party,for checks andbalances is more impotant than the next 'winner.

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