Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WHAT'S IN A NAME : ( Issue - Bengal )

"There's only ONE BENGAL" _ Shataniu Moitra " - The T.O.I, Kolkata, Wednessday , August 11,2011 ;P-2
Yes , there was only one Bengal
Long long past
the golden name - 'Bangla Desh' -now
garlands another one!
No! no more that 'BENGAL' is anymore the 'ONE'
The broken Germany is united since
the 'Berlin Wall did even, fall
The drowsy , Complacent and in-fighting 'Land'
"West Bengal' - still Exists.

Is it 'west' or 'Waste'; some dared and asked
and I failed to reply
Even more after than Six decades
this part of Bengal act 'shy'.

What is in a name ? - the Bard was so wrong !
What is not there in the name ; -I asked all my life
A rose may be sweet by any name, but 'yago' or 'shylock ' -not
Banga-Bhumi is O.K in either way ; but 'Waste' or 'West" is not.

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