Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"HEADLINES TO DAY ( India); Cannel -55 , Tuesday , August 22, 2011; 9 -30 pm
Meeting with ARUNA ROY ; By RHUL
Madam Roy, I listened to your opinion and admire your cool approach and calm response and very intelligent trat ment of the Issue. You are a smart and very efficient in serving people.
When it is not stormy, and the weather calm or still, i would surely be your student. You are a true Demacrat.But a true Democrat may be drowsy some times
Like both Homeopathy and aopathy being inique in their respective field one has to be selective dependining on the condition.
When the a patient is for Surgery or in ICU, even the condition is not suitabe for the most briliant Homeopathy Doctor.
As such under present condition od ANNA almost facing the End-side of LIFE, your intervention and created delay may invite more set backs and danger to oane Man 's who has now has preferred death to losing in his mission.Now it is better to win witha defective Jana Lokpa Bill than lose the limited success yet gained. Inthe next phase of battle your servicesmay be needed for ther improvement (ammendment).

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