Thursday, August 25, 2011


BJP, Team Anna agree on Jan Lokpal Bill
Indo-Asian News Service, Updated: August 26, 2011 01:35 IST
Comments ;GREAT PART OF THE 'LOST GRPUND' is WON-over and retrieved .

Anna now may, now, break his fast ...regain his HEALTH and Guide BHARAT (Not India - a greek slang that Nehru did not care to change) and also lead ALL to delete the name HINDUSTAN ( another slang imposed by Persian Invaders distorting the name of SINDHU CIVILLSATION)
The third Great ISSUE is to ;
i. Praise BjP for giving full support and adapting a Bharatya name for the Party.
II. Ask BJP to give up up the logo Hindutwa.[the word HONDU is ,again a PERSIAN slang . It's ROOT is neither from Sanskrit nor have any Bharatya seed in it.It is a manufactured 'term' in post -Persian-invaderd period.
Swami Vivekananda himself advised us to IDENTIFY ouselves as Bharatya or SANATANISTS and not by a name imposed by INVADERS [I can peove it from his Lectures(Comeplete works). The term HINDU has no Sanskrit or SHAIVIK 'root'.
And in post- Independence- Era, if these two slang- terms HINDU and HINDUSTAN could have been DISCARDED on NATONAL Level, all COMMUNNAL Clashes and divisions could have been averted!
I like BJP party's all set-up except their adapting the logos -'HINDU & HINDUSTAN "
Let them think it over and respect VIVEKANANDA'S advice.

ANA HAZARE, SIR, Please give up your FAST Now (if Parliament has respected and adapted what they have assured (latest) and Join this next BATTLE, if it appeals to your Soul, and I shall feel lucky to be your disciple and join the battle even though I am an OCTOGENERIAN and have ,even Better health than yours and shall live unto 2030, to complete my Century and mission.
"And miles to go before I sleep " -- Robert frost

Finally Mr. Kejriwal, ----- I have studied in details throughout this episode. Otherwise , ihave never seen you or known your name ---But I am willing to be a Disciple of you (of my son's age)and work if you find me worthy.

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