Sunday, August 28, 2011


It was the period of Watson & Creek ( 1959* -60 ), birth of GENE TICS And In INDIA urunder Dr. P.C DHANDA and supervision of Dr.P. S .Gupta M.D , in Irwin Hospital of Maulana Azad Medical College , Delhhi University , India, I took up the search of my thesis - 'A STUDY OF ABO -BLOOD GROUPS IN INDIAN PEOPLE AND THEIR RELATION TO VARIOUS DISESES"

The INTRODUCTION began with as follows ;" Why do certain people suffer from certain diseases whie some others do not ? Is there some thing inherent in certain person that render them either more suceptibe to certain diseases and less prone to othrs ? These are questions older than the history of Medicine itself and yet have not been competely answered."
High incidence of CANCER of TONGUE was found in persons with Blood Gr. A . On the other hand Cancer of Cheek was in the same gr. A was signifiv=cantly low.
A significant prevalence of Blood Gr.A was seen, also, in Cirrhosis of Liver cases.
The results were found to be of statistical significance in case of CANCER of Tongue in Blood gr. A, while in cases of Cacer cheek , it was less frequent and here also , the result was statistically significant.
In India, Bood group A is less frequent ( 23 - 25 % ) but more prevalent in U.S.A and also in Europe.
Statistically proved prevalence of Cancer Stomach in blood Gr A has already been established before.
Relation between Duodenal Ulcer in Blood gr. O was also established with Statistical sgnificance..
My Conscious proposition is that ; Blood gr, A being more prevalent in U.S.A, may be, Americans , with Blood Gr. A, are more prone to Cancer of G.I tractT(mesodermal) and also Cirrhisis of Liver. The study was during period between 1958 & 1960.
I gave up my medical profession , more than 20 years now and yet I suggest that if the Blood Gr. of all Cancer Stomach , Cancer Tongue, Cance Colon Cases of all hospital-operated cases , in USA ,could be checkd in large number by finding their Blood groups from records, may be, some revealing information will come out.
while in U.S.A (1990 - 2008 ), I sent similar request through JAMA and also through Blogs with no response. And this is my last effort to enquire and try to help Medical World and Human -side.

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