Tuesday, August 16, 2011

THE DAY AFTER : 15 Th August , I2011, India

Anna Hazare Arrested from His House ; The whole Nation Responds and Rise Against ;
The Govt at Centre Poses like Alexander, The Great --people come out to 'fill up all jails in the Country ...! INDIA Heated up the Day after 15 Th. August. 2011.
Within 24 hours the The Govt puts its 'Tail' between its hind legs ...declares Anna Hazare as 'Free' man.

FINAL PLay: Anna Refuses to leave TIHAR Jail !... Inviting al to enjoy the SUPER -CLIMAX drama !
OPINION :This Govt , I think, is not even gifted enough to rule a DISTRICT, Leave apart the issue of ruling over a NATION.

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