Saturday, August 27, 2011


Please Anna, end your fast, says Aamir
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: August 27, 2011 18:53 IST
AMIR Khan,
As, it seems, you have great love and respect for Anna and also huge Influence on hime , ask him to take up the following ISSUES next :
I. DROP THE LOGOs 'INDIA 'and 'HINDUSTAN 'and Instal the real name'BHARAT'; INDIA nor HINDUSTAN are the real name or Identity of Bharat. One is a Pre-Christian-Era Greek slang ( distorting the logo SINDHU -Civillisation) and the other Hindustan, a Persian Invader's slang.I can elaborate ;if you take up. Even the word HINDU is a persian slang and has no Sanskrit or Native root but has been the cause of all Communal troubles since British Rule planted the seed.. AnnaJi can help you on the Persian-slang issue ( yours being another faith , -Islam).
II. YOU should also help to drop the logo BOLLY WOOD , as it is a COPY-CAT follow up of HOLLY WOOD and by Post -Mumbai terms ,now, should be 'MULLY WOOD'. The Copy-Cat-ing Nature of we -people, was first an imposition by INVADERS and now a habit. Even West- Bengal Of Rabindranath has followed Bolly wood formula and named her Film Studio - TOLLY WOOD. What a shame for a Free B !HARAT

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