Saturday, August 27, 2011


Lokpal debate: Sushma slams Rahul Gandhi's speech in House

NDTV Correspondent, Saturday August 27, 2011, New Delhi

i Like an 'Intruder', He mis-used the '0' hour time-space without respecting the rule.
ii. Like an Agressor he abused 'Time' , showing what he will do if and when he becomes PM.
III . Like a helpless 'captive', the SPEAKER sat and did not care or dare to exwrt or en-force the AUTHORITY, proving the fact Every member was not equal when he had a special SURNAME.
SO, Parlimentary procedure are different for different members.
Now Both of them should apoogise before the PARIAMRNT and PEOPLE.
OR the Govt. should explain this IS UN-Democratic Practice.

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