Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Is RSS working hard for affiliation with Anna?
Rahul Shrivastava‎, Updated: September 01, 2011 00:31 IST

The Manmohan Government's relief is not shared by the Congress. The grand old party is worried about the manner in which the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) and political rival -the BJP - silently but actively aided the 74-year-old's popular protests. .
_____________________________________________________________________OPINION :
What is there, to be so jealous or feel jittery about it.
Even , if convicts get changed and walk to -ward a temple one should welcome him.
So long a BIG Party Will feed and nourish a few vitriolic -tongue and vicious brains like ( Won't name them, any 'King-Cong' party will be on rapid Entropic - phase'
The Ruling party has a great scholar on Economy but a Tongue-tied Captain of the SHIP on a stormy Sea.
There is hardly many in the Govt to match the debating skill of Ms Swaraj & A.Jaitly.
BUT About BJP :
They have great assetts but much 'debits';
1. Hindustan is a Suicidal eroding logo, Hindu is not a Bharatya word (not vedic or Native root) but a distortion SINDHU-BHUMI
The word Hindu is a Persian Invader's Slang agai and the word HINDUSTAN has the same faulty/ defective Heritage. This logo or Name has been the hidden cause of 80 % Communal Disturbances in Bharat ( have the repulsive feeing about the name -'India'.

BJP sould drop both these logo-s "HINDU" & ' HINDUSTAN ' and UN-leash its 'Sunk-in Potentiality and also invite Muslims to Join.This party , originating from JANA SANGHA and fouded, first by Shyama Prasd Mukopadhyaya, could have won the heart of all Bengalis of West Bengal since '70s.
By that standard INC (Indian National Congress smells Imperial or Colonial Flavour, with,now, a few suicidal 'granades ( K-S//-M-T//A-S ) with high Entropic design.

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