Friday, August 12, 2011


" 'BENGAL ' WINS ' " --- The Times Of India, Kolkata, Saturday, August 13, 2011; P-2
" I accuse" - Emile Zola ........: and 'I protest' - Pibi. And.............old Colonial habit sticks .
The word "Bengal" - is a Colonial distortion of the word BAN GA or 'Bang la". And Of course, majority have liked it,( the way, they liked 'TOLLY WOOD' Or Bolly-wood ).

Rbindranarh used the word 'Thakur' to suffix his name( Maybe, some Indians loved the English-distortion or we,more even,we were not FREE !)
Sameway, Rabindranath,I think, never used the word "BENGAL" in his 'Bangla' writings . O
Even in the National Song (Jana-gana-mana) the word used is 'BANGA'('Utkala-Banga').

Yet the 'Westren" word 'Bengal' wins (68% ) ! And let it be ! For, after all, the word has some colonial 'tinge' &'odour' and if we Indians like it so much (68% ),let it be !
Though Rabindranath,himself, would have liked 'Banga Bhumi'.
Has SAMSAD ABHIDHAN up-dated the word already !...well, I don't know !

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