Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gandhi's India Breeding Corruption as bumper crops

-------------------------- ---------------------------------- - THE NEWS : Thomas quits as CVC - The Supreme Court has ruled that PJ Thomas' appointment as Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) is illegal. His removal comes at a time when the government is being taken to task by the Opposition for a glut of corruption scale = NDTV ;3/02/11
SO, it seems , Some Principal Manager(PM) is breeding base for illegal Enterprise too !

PM (?)honest but weak-kneed ;heading a Panel. - bent upon to do the mischief in a planned way.
Material & Method ; Black Money and 2G Scam.
Q :Did the PM offer his 'Kitchen' for cooking of National Poison-dish !
O : Maybe ! If we have not forgotten that famous photograph of PM patting the back of a recognition code-message, after Raja resigned his post and allowed, PM to relief and chance to save his skin.
Q :Was the PM totally innocent.
A :How can he be ; if one is moving so much with the 'Gang' and offering his 'space . position and kitchen 'to such 'bandits' for cooking & feasting on the 'spoils'??
Even docile and weak-kneed National Leader can push the country backwards ,without being dis-honest. PM-office is an EXECUTIVE POST not a Prayer Hall nor a parking Space .
Silence nor Passivity is any quality for executive Heads.

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