Friday, March 4, 2011


Sushma thanks PM for statement on CVC, BJP says not enough
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 04, 2011 20:36 IST
COMMENTS :As the opposition Leader, Sushma Proved herself taller, more magnanimous, and worthier as Leader of Opposition.
We , the common people are not interested in seeing and enjoying 'Cock-fight' or 'Bull-fight' in the Parliament but desire to see constructive opposition and more effort with NATIONAL Interest ,even while urguing from either side.
Sushma Swaraj desrves real appreciation and respect for her expansive and unifying spirit which is the real need of a great and good opposition in Democracy.
Even otherwise , she is so brilliant as a worthy and razor -sharp Speaker. The PM may profit by trying to absorb some of her brilliance.

My ideal in voting time is not to vote one to power but send one for effective opposition. It also means that I am not bound by any Party-affiliation.

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