Friday, March 4, 2011


The CVC -PLAY staged

A parody of a part of the Play - ' Richard the Third'

"Now is the winter of our discontent'
turned glorious summer thru' subtle tricks
'Now are all the clouds ' that hung over our fate
will be turned into monsoon blessings
by subte plans with caculated risks.
---------- --- -------- ------------------
'Plots we have laid and inductions dangerous'
by clever manouvers , lies and scams
we will set our adverseries,- one agaist the other
and if the opposing lady proves much strong and strict
I shall set my Panel and her ;- one against the other
And as I am known as 'snow flake-clean'
- through tricks beyond their search and guess-
I shall set the CVC and script it as I please......
Oh ! here PC comes ( to help me in the game )!
*[there is no real -llfe character, reflected in this parody]

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