Saturday, March 19, 2011


PM's trust vote claims indict Rajiv Gandhi on Bofors: Advani
Press Trust of India, Updated: March 19, 2011 22:22 IST
COMMENT :HE dances ike a summer-fjy but stings llke a flea.
ever replies thru' Speech-writers; well, guess ---who os he !
'If speech is siver ,siece is gold' ; he proves it by Silence
he stabs or stings or trash RAJIV in final Self-Defence.
Hasan Ali case: Income Tax department forgot to charge Rs 3000 crore, says CAG report
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 18, 2011 23:56 IST
If OUR Income Tax Department can FORGET such small amount of Rs3000;00 crores only, what, if small Tax-payers - forget to pay Income Tax sometimes?....Is not this 'Forgetting'by I-T, a planned act of commission - by choice or some under-table-Game ?

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