Thursday, March 3, 2011


Certain scular parties of India boast too much of Secular Character yet exploit every social issues through communal exploitation.
Physignomy does somttimes betrays inner mind of some public figure (e.g cerain tiwari-singvi facial pattern betrays certain inner poise)
Muslim League is a Political party and being a memeber of that party does not prove - everyone of that party is Communal.
Same way, I think, BJP -Party is of more Bharatya -culture as its name suggests while Indian National Congress(INC) seems to me more 'anglicised' or western-tinged. Same is Communist partay of INDIA ,marxist(CPI-M) in its cultuural faith.
Don't know ,when Bharat will shake off the Greek-slang-name 'India'.
Or BJP will drop the Persian slang -' Hindu' , the root of which neither originates from Sanscrit nor a Vedantic logo. It is purely a Foreign(Persian) slang.
Though, deeply, of Vedantic Faith , i would not like to be identified as - Hindu.
These are all, of course, personal faith based on infomation and inner attitude.
I think BJP is of less communal bias than Congress, yet BJP must give up Hindu-stamp to prove its secular core.

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