Thursday, March 3, 2011


[ PM, PANEL, PC - ? JOINT VENTURE to Select Thomas to pluder the Nation .... through CVC -DEVICE.;]
---T.O..I , KOLKATA ; March 4 , 2011
" Elemetary Watson, Elemetary ! ' - said Sherlock Holmes;
I think , It was preplanned to get Thomas on the Top of CVC' [ 'only he and now' - was the declaration of the Panel-members on PM's side)] to pluder the Nation for : a) amass Wealth for next Election b) to make DMK a share-Holder through Raja - majority strngth C) To work through PM's Panel to exploit a docile , Weak-kneed PM, reducing him to a 'dummy' and aso with his nod (perhaps).
Otherwise , why the innocent -looking PM patted Raja on his back in Channai, after he agreed and Resigned his POST to give his BOSS & PM a timely Respite !
Also proves that without the JUDICIARY finally, Taking over , the Foul GAME would have never been Un-covered ..and carried over forever !

That also means ; We need , for ever the JUDICIARY above A 'CORRUPT ' GOVT. for a very long time but ---but--- we shall have to read the Biography CJI - BALAKRISHNANS very well to count 'Canine sheeps' in Judiciary.
Most important warning, othewise, with a greatly burdened and crowded Judiciary, no one should expect much of any Government without CORRUPTIONS.
P.S:Apparent innocence and honesty are no synonym for inefficiency or surface-ignorane , I think. More particularly , in the Field of National leadership , it is pro-active intelligence and , razor sharp praparedness and uncompromising conclision and action that are the need for good Governance.

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