Saturday, June 19, 2010


ARJUN SINGH Speaks , at last, on Bhopal Tragedy ( India ) and Aftermath :

' no locus stand ' - the Ex- C.M of M.P (India ) discloses.
It was like a ' Full Speech ', packed in a medicinal Capsule . Could not be more eloquoent or done smarter, in a position - so difficult ! ...... Touch it or handle - rough !... it may burst.
Now , it seems , ... someone Mr "X" and his Office , not even Anderson, is the real Responsible for this TRAGIC AFTERMATH of Bhopal Tragedy. Under this Specific ceircumsrances it needed Real Courage to ' Come out ' and open the ' Box '.
After 'Buddhi-jibis', now new species of ' intellectuals' are sprouting on West Bengal soil on 'Media - Petri dish ' ( TV show on Channel on 20/06/10 ).
Interesting efforts , of getting Public- notice for Re-employment in' POLITICS' for ' honorary' posts' through Media-Foot-light-focus and are on rapid rise.

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