Friday, June 4, 2010


(T.V NEWS -Ch 14)

The aftermath of Civic-Election In KOLKATA has been , now, the pollution effect of the Election- process itself i,e posters , flags. scattered leaflets , hoardings and other effects of POST-ELECTION left-out wastes on roads or other hang-outs, threatening the Civic-life itself by clogging and plugging the drains/ out-lets with the approaching Monsoon Rain.
The victims will be the people who voted for and the Offenders - the contesting members of all Parties.
Mamata Banerjee's first /immediate duty should be to see that the winners of each zone accepts the responsibility of clearing and cleaning up the mess of Election -Pollution and get down to the job first and fast before the rain comes and the roads and lanes are flooded due to blocking of drains or outlets with materials of Election efforts. and affecting the Health of aspiring Citizens.

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