Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Mamata won not because TMC was the ' BEST CHOICE' but because Left FRONT was the WORST FACE.
DAVID HEADLEYs can pass through INDIA any number of times . INDIAN 'INTELLIGENCE'
will hardly find him. So EXTRADITION is the only 'FINAL CHOICE for INDIA.
When ANDERSON of BHOPAL TRAGEDY was caught the 'ROYALS ' of INDIA planned for his Escape and even provided a Plane for 'Exit'...... Now he is in USA and on the End -side of LIFE, the GOVT. is vigorously demanding , his Extradition........What a show of efficiency, hipocracy and incompetence !
Now even Biman Bose of CPM is baptised with the 'MANTRA' - Ma -' Maati - Maanush' !
What a speedy METAMORPHISIS ! !....'PPLITICS" is suitable Base for any GROWTH.
For practice of MOLESTATION, Haryana seems to be the best center for practice . There are DGPs & IPs to guide you.

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