Wednesday, June 2, 2010


"Old order changeth , yeilding place to new"

Even a life or a train has to end or stop in the end.
The CPM took over the stage of WEST BENGAL IN 1977 and it is 2010 ,-now.. 34 years is a Full-term service life even in Human -life. That way it is a long, long and record-breaking Service. The Law of Entropy works in all spheres of living. Even the best Racing Horse has to give up some time, That way , I think, People have grown tired of C.P.M rule and prefer a change. and it happens to be T,M.C , a new Power Base to take up the Place,

It is one thing to overtake and win ( like a Storm) and another thing to win and sustain this victory for atleast a Decade. That way, a great Challenge is awaiting this young Winner, when she takes over, after winning the next election.
As a well-wisher of west Bengal that has suffered enough and for a long time, I pray that the next POWER -House for the welfare of the deprived and downtrodden and prove itself as a wellfare Machinary for long enough time. I think, Corruption & Mafia -spirit is the worst fear-complex, West Bengal people are suffering from
Any great victory for a short time will not help the suffering people. Nor a Egoistic agressive spirit will.
Posted by Phani Basu at 9:53 AM 0 comments

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