Thursday, August 12, 2010


Once, West Bengal & CACUTTA was known to be the safest place, for ladies, to travel , even alone at dead of night . To day , even Train -travel near Dhakuria Station of KOLKATA is dangerous to Ladies , even in Ladies Compartment. Mamata Banerjee is one of the number one leaders, even at National level and even Parliament is worried about the injury she sustained at KOLA GHAT of West Bengal.
But who will talk about MAMATA Panja , the ordinary woman of Bengal, traveling in Ladies' comprtment on a train at Dhakuria Station , Kolkata and being threatened with a knife at her neck. Where is the safety of Train-travel , now under Mamata Banerjee, the Railway minister of India ?
Mamata Banerjee has all the right to raise the issue of her safety in West Bengal in Road-travel. But who will raise the issue of daily threat of death and robbery on train -travel in West Bengal?
It seems , to travel on a train in West Bengal, these days is as dangerous as travel through wildest jungle of Carnivorous animals !

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