Friday, August 6, 2010



"Pretty woman Julia Embraces Hjnduism " -Times of India , Kolkata, Aug -7 , Saturday :
COMMENT ; "vini-vidi-vici" said a conquerer ?....And the Hollywood actress can say - 'I came for shooting - did the act of 'Praying' ..and I Swallowed Hinduism ' . How easy it was !'
NEWS : TELEGRAPH, Kolkata, INDIA : Front page news ;
Juia Roberts with an elephant in 'Eat ,pray, Love '.

Comment : I read it as, eating an elephant then pray ![ which would be very hard after eating , at least for me ]and then 'Love' ! [ donot know which branch of 'love' it was ! It was the most puzzling and difficult feat to comprehend !
E.G : I love eating / I love hunting /I love gambing / I love sex or I love publicity/ I ove my children / I Love all chidren / I love God !.. Which one of different 'love' is meant here ?

JUlIA ANDREW COMES TO A HINU TEMPLE For Shooting and was herself ' shot' by a hindu GURU into Hinduism . So the film , when released will have a Great Market by the ' Magic -pubicity' !... TRue or False?.. And the Hindu Guru, like some Tibetan 'Lord' ' wants to be in 'Focus'. By the way , - What is Hinduism ? and what is the word 'HINDU' ? Is it derived from SANKRIT word ?
And is it al so easy for a Hollywood -star to swallow it like a pill while 'shooting and pray and love after eating ?

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