Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Some one understand it ,now, too late
The worst move was made at the start
Politics is like a chess -game ,where wrong move , once made
the result is iireversible and can not re-trace,re-start..

The mere 'understanding' , now , is no magic wand
The vital National bood got poisoned ,and over time
though serious disease needs urgent measure , as is said
but 'timing ' is the smartest switch, for things to brighten up.

Not only kashmir , the whoe-some issues ;now may look around
Now a Circle, like a noose from Assam, Bengal unto the Cchattish Garh
Deception, neglect, enmeshed with Corruption affecting whole ' Blood'
and mere understanding, when too late , is not 'treating' the Cause.

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