Sunday, August 29, 2010


"7 Pak Players Accused Of FIXING" - T.O.I . Kolkata, India ; 30 aug. '10
CRICKET WAs AND IS ,EVER A BRITISH & COLONIAL GAME, payed by Colonial Mrmbers. CRICKET is ,Perhaps , the MOST CORRUPT GAME and now Infiltrated by POLITICAL & FILM-WORLD EXPLOITERS , In INdia.
CRICKET Was a 5- day game in earler time when maximum LABOUR -HOUR was lost every day by excitement-addiction to YOUTH-INDIA and WORK-ESCAPING-OUT-lET to OFFICE -workers , when only business Sharks arranged the Game and 'Fools' rushed to the ground or got glued to rado/transistors like DRUG-ADDICTS.
CRICKET IS A CURSE FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES specially INDIA where Rich are getting richer through Exploitation and CORRUPTION and POOR becoming POORER or Starving Class.
C W G is another face or name of CORRUPT -REVELATION In SPORT-SHOW _BIZ OF India.
After Life -long defeated feeling, to day I gladly say, that in my whole life I never was present on a Game , always spoke & WROTE AGAINST cricket .
TO DAY, CRICKET, IPL, CWG are BLACK-HOLE -Character of INDIAN SPORT while, the Indian Identity of the World Champion in CHESS ,( ANAND) is questioned , I think ,by a foolish Govt. And what ANAND achieved was an 'INDIVIDUAL EFFORT' only .

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