Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The Victor's First wrong Step On Victory -Stage.
{ Analogies : Avoid driving and drinking at the same time / Non -violence is good (conditional) / Democracy is good / Even violent approach9Revolution) is good ( Strictly conditional ). What is bad omen is making a mixture (illusive).
Next ; Anything may be the 'TAO ' in Love and War but accepting Democratic path and being in Central Govt., then taking advantage of both 'Worlds' to Capture a throne may bring Tactical Victory but shall be at the cost of losing the TRUST of People (the base or fondation )...[ May fall on her own sword in five years ,after 'RULE'!]
Short -time Victory may not assure long -term ruling life. It seems , She is on the top of a Struggle -Stage, as a winner ,- but has no friendly-group in the Parliament who would like to be on her side. Congress is kissing her on the cheek not for love but for SURVIVAlL. And never in near future, there will be One- Party Rule in India . So you have to master the Art of 'Negotiation'. And learn it from PM (pranab mukherjee)
I declare, if I could change the face of India for the poor , I would be a pure maoist . But Spirit of YIndia was never designed that way . If it was ,- to day , even Vivekaananda 0r Sri Aurobindo would have repeated another cosmic Divine Revolutionary ( KRISHNA) ;' when ever there is Social degeneration, I rise to protect the good and innocents and destroy the hybrid rich anf corrupt [ GEETA CH 4/7)
Finally , Original ideas and thoughts do not dwell in the people[ Buddhijibi-s,] whose habits are to render others'script into interesting Audio -visuals by taking make-up POISE on entertaining Stage.

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